Tuesday 8 December 2015

‘Tis The Season: How to Enjoy the Holidays Without Compromising Your Oral Health

During Christmas, I think it is fair to say we all indulge perhaps a little more than we should, and I for one am a complete advocate for a little excess during the party season. But whilst all the the drinking and dancing is in swing, sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves, and our teeth unfortunately may become particularly neglected. So, to ensure a worry free month of festivities, take a few of these tips out for a spin

1.     Force of habit: Brush your teeth!

            Did you know it takes the brain roughly thirty days to adopt a repeated behavior as a habit? If you aren’t already, begin brushing your teeth at specific times (I brush my teeth immediately before I go to bed, and immediately after I get up) so your body learns that part of going to bed/ waking up is brushing your teeth; you’ll think of it automatically. So no more excuses involving not brushing you’re teeth because you’d been out at the pub till late!

2.  Avoid pre-prepped food

            If you can, try and cook as much of the food you eat, this way you can control the sugar intake in your diet far more easily. Convenience dictates that sometimes its easier to use products that are ready-to-go, such as prepared vegetables and ready meals, but these dishes often contain staggering amounts of sugar, and if you can find the time to prepare yourself from fresh, do it. Then you can have a cheeky extra glass of wine!

3.  Straws

There’s very little point in me trying to convince anyone to drink less alcohol or fnacy exciting soft drinks at this time of year; it’s christmas and to be honest, you deserve a treat.  If you’re going to drink it, try and get a straw. This way, when you drink, the acid and sugar make virtually no contact with your pearly whites, thus preserving them through till new year in relatively tip top condition, result!

4.  Drink Plenty of water

            If you’re not hydrated, your saliva glands cannot function at maximum capacity and as a result, the pH level of the mouth is more acidic than it need be, which leads to tooth decay. Try to match every drink you have with an equal amount of water and you’ll be just fine.

5.  Have fun

            The holidays are a time when you can relax and enjoy spending time with those who are nearest and dearest to us, so remember to relax and treat yourself, and remember to use that smile this christmas - it’s the ultimate party accessory!

Merry Christmas!


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