Tuesday 28 February 2012

Turn the tap off!

There are stories all over the news currently concerned with the water shortage in South Eat England after two dry winters in a row left reservoirs dangerously low and fish dying in rivers.

The Anglia region was already in drought, meaning more than half of the population of the UK faces hosepipe bans in a matter of weeks.

There could even be restrictions in London - part of the South East region - where thousands of litres more water will be needed because of the Olympics.

It is expected that most of the Midlands, including the area around Birmingham, could be declared in drought within the next few weeks.

Water consumption in the UK is up 30 per cent per person since 1970 and it is feared that if the trend isn’t reversed there will come a time when the demand just won’t be able to be met.

This will have a devastating effect on the UK’s rivers, lakes and stream levels, animal and plant life so this year for the first time the National Smile Month Campaign is promoting responsible water use.

The campaign aims to encourage adults and children to turn off the tap when brushing their teeth and save up to 12 litres of water, every time. So far Save Water Save Money and 19 of the UK’s Water Companies have joined forces to encourage water efficiency, by raising awareness of the high levels of water wasted in the bathroom.

Currently, 25 per cent of household energy is spent heating up water and according to Waterwise, if every adult in England and Wales turned off the tap when brushing their teeth, it could save enough water to supply nearly 500,000 homes or fill 180 Olympic swimming pools – every day!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happy Valenties Day!

Valentines Day is here once again - how do you plan to celebrate? A meal out, flowers for your loved one, jewellery, chocolates or a night away? We've been spoilt for choice with shops and supermarkets competing for our attention with attractively packaged goods for those we love, some trying to attract our attention as soon as Christmas was over! So, no excuses, I hope you're all prepared with gifts and cards at the ready...??

Do your preparations include spending time on preparing yourself? Is your smile as bright and white as you'd like? Is your breath as fresh as you'd like? Nothing is guaranteed to spoil that romantic moment more than bad breath - so don't let it stop you getting close to that special someone today!

An Oral B Healthier Teeth survey in 2011 revealed that 66% of people surveyed would never go on a date with someone with bad breath; and 58% said they would never go on a date with someone with visible dental problems such as tooth decay or swollen gums. So, dental problems could be a real passion killer in some cases....but don't despair, most of these common problems can be solved.

First we must understand what is causing such dental problems, and then we can begin to work on a solution. Bad breath or halitosis can have many causes. While bad breath is commonly caused by dental problems such as infection, poorly placed fillings or ill fitting dentures, there are other common causes such as; gum disease; a diet rich in certain foods, e.g., garlic & spices; poor oral hygiene – which means food particles are allowed to collect between teeth and around the gums; these deposits attract the bad breath causing bacteria; a lack of saliva (or "Dry Mouth") which can be caused by certain medications and hormonal changes; and finally, smoking.

There are other less common causes such as diabetes and digestive system problems, but your dentist and hygienist can help you with the more common causes listed above.

Causes are looked at on an individual basis, but if the cause is found to be crowded teeth causing food to become trapped, then it may be wise to consider orthodontic treatment to remove these "stagnation areas".

However, the simplest, easiest and most cost effective way would be to adopt a thorough, sound, effective oral hygiene routine, based on trying to remove all of the plaque, from every surface of every tooth, every day. This would involve brushing twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing all the areas between the teeth. Our hygienists will be able to help with the skills and techniques that you require to be able to do this. This will also lead to a reduction in the likelihood of tooth decay and can also brighten your smile. Once you have mastered your new oral hygiene regime, it might be time to consider tooth whitening to brighten your smile even further.

With regular, thorough Dental Health Assessments, it is possible to maintain the health of your mouth together with identifying the cause of bad breath and treating the problem accordingly.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Say Cheese

I was reading in my running magazine this month (sometimes it's as close as I like to get to actually running!) that cheese is less unhealthy for you than butter when it comes to heart health. Apparently the University of Michigan carried out a study in which a group of people had a daily serving of cheese for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks they were tested and their cholesterol levels were lower than when they had spent a comparable time eating a comparable amount of butter. So, it would appear that a little bit of something "bad" really could be good for you!!!

We already know that there are strong links between heart health and dental health, and indeed, we know that cheese can also be good for our dental health. A small amount of cheese to end a meal can neutralise the harmful plaque acids that can lead to tooth decay; this is because of the milk proteins that cheese contains.

In fact, these milk proteins can be so beneficial that they are contained in a product called Tooth Mousse which is particularly beneficial for patients whose own saliva naturally lacks bicarbonate of soda meaning that their saliva does not have the same buffering action to cleanse and protect our teeth.

Our team of dentists and hygienists are more than happy to discuss "Healthy Snacks" with you and will always recommend any aids to your oral hygiene routine that will benefit your dental health - just ask one of the team next time your in!
