Wednesday 27 November 2013

Six Month Smiles - Recognised Provider status for Absolute Dental

The eagle-eyed among you might have noticed a new logo on our website home page this week , it is that of a "Recognised Provider" for the Six Month Smile short term orthodontic program.


This is an exclusive logo, only given to recognised providers who have successfully completed a specific number of Six Month Smile cases, and reached Level 2 in the "Frequent Smiler Programme". It also means that Rhodri John now has 2 stars beside his name on the list of Six Month Smile providers on their official website

We're really pleased to be able to offer patients this fantastic treatment, and are really pleased with the results being achieved here.

So if you would like to go from this

to this

in as little as six months, call us today on 01548 852165 to book your consultation.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tooth Whitening at Absolute Dental

  Are you looking for a touch more sparkle this Christmas? 

Maybe you've always wanted a beautiful white smile, your teeth have yellowed over time, or you're not happy with staining that may be a result of drinking coffee, tea, or red wine? Whatever your reason for wanting a whiter brighter smile, we can help with our tooth whitening at Absolute Dental.
There are many reasons for whitening your teeth, including:

The boost to your confidence and self-esteem that comes from a great smile
A younger appearance
A special event such as a Christmas party or wedding
To make a positive first impression on others
To simply reverse years of everyday staining and yellowing
Before beginning any whitening procedure, be sure to consult with your dentist, Rhod or Ruth will be happy to discuss your whitening needs and answer any questions you might have.
Whitening is a completely safe procedure which will not damage your teeth in any way and as you do it at home, you are in complete control of the final result.
A change of just two or three shades can make a noticeable difference to your smile, while still looking natural. 
So what are you waiting for? Call us today on 01548 852165 to book your appointment to be sure to have your extra sparkle this Christmas!


Thursday 14 November 2013

Stabilising Mobile Teeth at Absolute Dental

Our restorative specialist, Bill Beare, sees many varied and complicated cases here at Absolute Dental, cases that are referred to him from all over the South West - and beyond (Thailand is the furthest to date!).

Because he is a specialist, patients often come to him when a problem has exceeded the knowledge of the patients own dentist, and this can sometimes mean that the problem is quite advanced.

This case concerns a lady in her late 70s who came to see Bill following a history of periodontal (gum) disease throughout her life, which had left her with some mobile back teeth and areas of deep pocketing around other teeth.

Sadly due to the damage done by the gum disease to the bone over a prolonged period (the patient had first been aware of a problem in her 20's), some of the back teeth had such little bone support that there was no option but for the patient to have these teeth removed. However, Bill was keen to work with the patient to keep some of the teeth further forward.

Thorough cleaning of the remaining teeth was carried out under local anaesthetic, and the patient was given comprehensive oral hygiene instruction to enable her to keep on top of her regime at home.

Although the results from this were pleasing, Bill still felt there was more improvement possible and discussed the prospect of "regenerative surgery" the patient, using a product called "Emdogain" - this is a product that is made up of  a unique group of active proteins found in natural tooth development, and predictably regenerates lost tooth attachment. It was hoped that this would reduce the pocket depth around the upper right canine tooth, reduce the mobility and therefore stabilise the tooth.

Below is a copy of the before (on the left) and after (on the right) x-rays of the canine tooth. Before the Emdogain treatment this tooth had pocket depths around the tooth of between 7-10mm (this is 2-3mm in health) and 3 months following the treatment, these pockets have reduced to 2-4mm. You can clearly see the boney infill to the right of the tooth in the centre of the picture on the right. It is this that has caused the improved stability of the tooth.

We will need to continue to monitor the patient, and their visits to the dental hygienist are vital to address her on-going periodontal problems, however, this is a great result and has certainly prolonged the life of a very important tooth for this lovely patient.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Previous decade sees “alarming” rise in mouth cancer

Thank you Ruth, for sharing this recent article with us for this weeks blog:

Mouth cancer rates rose by over 50 per cent in first decade of this millennium with a reported 7,698 new cases in 2011 according to statistics obtained by the British Dental Health Foundation.
The charity reports that there were more than 6,000 new cases in England alone, while Scotland still has the most cases per 100,000 people. Almost double the number of men developed the disease compared to women.
Deaths from mouth cancer approached 2,500 in 2011 and rates are expected to continue rising over the next decade.
November is Mouth Cancer Action Month which is organised by the British Dental Health Foundation and aims to educate the public about mouth cancer and common risk factors.
Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter said: "The scale of increasing mouth cancer rates is very worrying. There is a clear gap in public knowledge about what causes mouth cancer that needs to be plugged. Smoking and drinking to excess increase your chances of getting mouth cancer by 30 times as much, yet so many social smokers often light up while having a drink.
"Of greater concern is the rise of the human papillomavirus. It is forecast to overtake smoking as the leading cause of the disease in the next ten years. Poor diet has been linked to half of cases in the UK. All of these factors make early diagnosis so important. If it is caught early, your chances of surviving mouth cancer are 90 per cent. If it is caught late, which unfortunately many cases are, then you have a 50/50 chance of living."