Tuesday 30 March 2010

Do your false teeth wave in the breeze?
Are you fed up with your dentures slipping and moving when you eat or even talk? If so Absolute Dental has the answers to stabilise the situation.
If you have some remaining teeth and a partial plastic denture you may well be able to have a metal chrome denture made. This chrome denture is precision made by our technicians and uses the remaining teeth to provide extra stability – meaning no more rocking, slipping and sliding during eating.
If you have no remaining teeth and a full set of dentures that are unstable and you are fed up with using fixative, then implant retained dentures are the thing for you. Two or more implants can be placed into the jawbone and used to retain your denture. With a snug ‘snap’ fit – no more embarrassing moments when teeth part company.
For people with enough good quality bone more implants can be placed to make a fixed implant bridge with no more need to remove dentures for cleaning, just permanent natural looking teeth.
So there you have it – 3 ways to get you smiling again.
Written by Rhodri John

Wednesday 24 March 2010

What great Lab to have on your doorstep
Kingsbridge Dental Laboratory kindly invited the Team at Absolute for a tour of the lab to explain the systems and processes that the work we send to them goes through.
It was very reassuring to see the excellent systems in place for processing and tracking work through the many stages, of which Sharon keeps very close tabs on.
Our patients are often encouraged to make a lab visit particularly for shading, which also gives them the appreciation of what goes into making their crown, bridge etc. The shading is undertaken in perfect lighting conditions allowing for a perfect match, Julian spends a lot of time with our patients making them feel comfortable and answering the many questions they may have.
The laboratory are at the forefront of technology using Straumann CadCam, 3M Espe lava scan and their very latest aquisition a Zirconzhan milling machine.
We have a close working relationship with Kingsbridge Laboratory, Julian is always willing to make a special visit to the practice during a patients visit to offer help/advice.
We would like to say a big thank you to the team at Kingsbridge Dental Laboratory for all their help and support and a special thank you to Sharon for all the hard work she put into organising the visit.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Look at what you missed!

If you missed the first of our complimentary study groups for referring practices last Thursday night - then you missed a real treat! The speaker was our restorative specialist Mr Bill Beare and he spoke for just over an hour about dental implants in general, but more interestingly about the work he has been involved in as an inplantologlist, lecturer and mentor. It was wonderful to hear him speak on a subject that he is clearly so passionate about, but in addition to this, he really does value the difference he can make to someones life through his work. Many of the delegates remarked afterwards how inspirational Bill was and how it has opened up new treatment options for them to consider for their patients. I think that this is what Bill would want - he strives to inspire others but has a humility that rare in someone with so much talent and experience. We are blessed to have Bill in our team and would like to extend our thanks to him for kicking off our study group in such a great way. Our next study group is on June 1st and once again we are expecting a great evening. The speaker will be the charismatic Chris Barrow who will have the audience captivated with his talk on presenting high value treatments to your patients. We would like to remind you that these events are complimentary to all practices referring to Absolute Dental, and would advise you to book your place early for this next event as we anticipate demand will be very high.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

I feel slightly honoured, I have been asked to write a little article for an online dentistry forum and I wanted to share it all with you. Firstly you will need to log on to http://www.dentinaltubules.com/ and register as a user (which is free!!!).

Here are the 3 simple steps to log on to the verifiable CPD Article.

Step 1 Register as a member on http://www.dentinaltubules.com/
Step 2 You will need to buy some credits. 1 credit is only £5.
To do this, go to "my account";
Click on "Buy Credits"
Select the amount of credits you wish to buy. All of the articles are all only 1 credit at present.
Complete your payment on Paypal and then return to our website to complete your CPD article
Step 3
Choose your CPD article, in this case "Cross Infection - The Nurses Story", answer some questions and then get your CPD
To do this go to articles
Click on "CPD Articles" from the menu on the right
Choose your article
Then read it and simply follow the steps to get your CPD - simple!!!!
If you want to see your CPD credits. Go to my account and click on "CPD"
You will see how much you have achieved
If this wasn't enough, you can also print a CPD certificate - brilliant!!

I hope you all enjoy it - let me know what you think.


Tuesday 2 March 2010

Dentists and practice team members are invited to attend a study group at
Thurlestone Hotel Thurs March 11th 2010 18.30 – 20.30
Guest Speaker Bill Beare BDS FDS MSc DRD MRD
In addition to his dentistry work Bill has always been involved in teaching dentistry at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and has lectured all over the UK, USA, Malaysia and Nigeria and is an implant mentor for Nobel Biocare, global leader in the dynamic and promising restorative and aesthetic dental industry. Bill is highly respected in this field, and is currently involved in teaching Implantology, Periodontology and Restorative Dentistry at Bristol and Plymouth.
'Implants for the Dental Team' 1.5 hrs verifiable CPD
RSVP to info@absolute-dental.co.uk by Monday 8th March
Back to school!
Modbury Primary School, as part of their key stage 2 curriculum invited Absolute Dental to deliver a presentation to the children on ‘How to keep a healthy smile’.
The children aged between 7 and 11 years were set a task for the half term holiday to design a poster in this theme. The response from the children was fabulous, a great deal of time and effort had been made by all who took part, all kinds of media were used, from collage through to computer art. It was certainly a difficult task to choose winners. The winners in the 2 - year group categories were presented on the day with prizes of an electric toothbrushes and a goody bag.
It was great to see the children showing a great deal of interest and enthusiasm, with lots of questions being raised by the children and teachers, and, even though the presentation ran into the children’s ‘play time’ the were still keen to stay behind and ask more questions.
‘Why do my gums bleed?’ ‘Do we need to use a mouthwash?’ ‘Is it ok to use a mouthwash instead of brushing?’ ‘Why are flavoured crisps not a healthy snack when plain crisps are?’
The presentation was concluded with an (egg)speriment which demonstrated the positive benefit fluoride has with helping to strengthen the enamel surface of the tooth.
Positive feedback from the teachers said that the presentation reinforced the messages they were trying to promote, and was delivered in a very interesting way.
A beautiful hand-made thank you card was sent to the practice - another wonderful piece of artwork.

Denise Bingham RDN/OHE