Tuesday 22 December 2015

The European Federation of Periodontology Manifesto - What it means at Absolute Dental

Absolute Dental and all the team that work under it's umbrella have been delighted to add support to the manifesto created by the European Federation of Periodontology on the vitally important subject of Periodontal and General Health.

The EFP MANIFESTO (European Federation of Periodontology) is a call to action in terms of prevention, early detection and treatment of periodontitis. It is the first formal declaration in international dentistry to condense years of research into the links between periodontal disease and systemic illnesses into an acknowledgement of periodontitis as a major public health issue.

By signing this manifesto and committing to supporting it by ways of educating our patients we join a growing community of professionals and experts who want a fundamental shift in the perception of dental professionals’ responsibilities. We embrace the mission to bring benefits from periodontal care to the general health of individuals and society, a purpose based not on the wisdom of the crowd but on strong and consistent scientific analysis.

This MANIFESTO calls upon all dental and health professionals to act in the prevention, early diagnosis, and effective treatment of periodontal disease in order to combat the devastating oral and general health effects for the individual and society.

Over the next few weeks and months you will see many blogs and updates from the team at Absolute Dental who always work  with our patients to improve and maintain their dental health. The vital thing we now have is the scientific analysis to support the message we have long been trying to convey.

The views and intentions that we plan to express are informed by the rigorous scientific analysis of the evidence base for reported links between periodontal and systemic diseases, as carried out at the 9th European Workshop in Periodontology, an event jointly organised by the European Federation of Periodontology and the American Academy of Periodontology, and held at La Granja de San Ildefonso, Segovia, Spain.

Consensual agreement was reached by the experts at this meeting (in November 2012) that periodontal disease should be acknowledged as a major public health issue, that all dental and medical professionals should be provided with relevant treatment guidelines, and that recommendations be given for future research to help clarify these associations and their consequences in terms of primary prevention.

Our philosophy at Absolute means we are delighted to take this opportunity to collaborate with so many other like minded professionals to spread the message

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