Tuesday 28 October 2014

Smile - like Beckham!

How good it is to be reminded that even the most beautiful and charismatic people in the world weren't born with perfect smiles !


David Beckham whose (very pleasing) image goes before him, has been on the receiving end of cosmetic dentistry. David has kept things very natural  avoiding the dreaded "Hollywood Makeover"....which can damage precious tooth material. Instead' he has opted to some tooth whitening, maybe a small amount of composite resin bonding (see pictures below of a case carried out here at Absolute Dental) or a veneer , however his smile is essentially the same.

With technological advances , modern dentistry and superb materials a skilled dentist can create a natural looking and beautiful smile tooth whitening is simple effective and safe and accessible to all. A modest investment yields big impact.

So if you want to smile like the stars, come and visit us at Absolute Dental.....

You will be in good company!


Tuesday 21 October 2014

Straight Teeth. Less Time. Clear Braces for Adults. All Available at Absolute Dental

Are you one of the millions of adults in need of adult braces who are unhappy, self-conscious  or even embarrassed of your smile?  

Many adults spend their entire lives covering their mouths when they laugh, smile or talk.  They feel stuck because they do not want to wear adult metal braces for years or they are concerned that other corrective teeth straightening procedures could be too invasive or too expensive.  

Now, there is an effective, safe and affordable cosmetic braces solution that fits your lifestyle that we continue to see give exceptional results.

This weeks case study shows before and after photographs of a gentleman who had hated for years his lower teeth. One tooth was very outstanding and stuck out, the rest were very crowded giving an overall impression of being uneven.

His treatment was very quick to get going with a great deal of movement and improvement seen within weeks, the final tweaks took a little longer however now finished we are all delighted with the result.

Is Six Month Smiles® right for you? The best way to find the answer to that question is to contact a Six Month Smiles Provider near you and schedule a consultation. However, by answering these six questions related to your lifestyle and your expectations we can help you determine if you should consider taking that next step.

Keep smiling :)

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Your Childs First Dental Appointment at Absolute Dental

With my little one just turned 2, her first dental visit is fast approaching so here is some information for those of you in the same boat! 

I am sure your toddler has many teeth by now and it's now time to start thinking about keeping their adorable smile healthy. Baby teeth don’t hang around for long (they generally start to fall out to make way for adult teeth by the time your child is six or seven), but it’s still important to keep those tiny teeth (and gums) in tip-top condition.

The first step to your child's healthy mouth is to teach them to brush their teeth twice daily (morning and before bed). 

Next, book their first dentist appointment — if you haven’t already.

But before you assume that getting your toddler into the dentist’s chair will involve either a tantrum or bribery, remember that your child has no fear of the dentist chair and it is up to you not to put any negative thoughts in their head! Most toddlers are fascinated as the chair "magically" goes up and down by itself!

Here’s what you need to know about your child's first dentist appointment:
When to go. We recommend that you take your child to their first dental appointment around their second birthday, at a time when they are able to understand a bit more about what is happening and follow instructions.

What will happen. Expect the first dentist appointment to be short and informal — more of a meet and greet for your child and the dentist. Depending on your child’s age and comfort level, you may be asked to hold him while the dentist looks around their mouth and "counts" their teeth. Or you may be asked to just be in the room as support and reassurance.
As for the business of inspecting your child's teeth, the dentist will check for and take a look at your child’s teeth, gums and how the teeth come together. The dentist will talk to you about good oral-hygiene habits, thumb sucking, tooth-friendly foods, and anything else that effects your toddler’s oral health. 

How often to visit. Based on how your toddler’s teeth look, your dentist will let you know when to make the next visit. We usually recommend that toddlers see the dentist about every six months — as long as there are no major problems. So don’t forget to schedule your child’s second appointment on your way out the out the door!
If you need to book your little ones first dental appointment then please give us a call on 01548 85216.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Don't Hide Your Smile - Better Smile options from Absolute Dental.

A beautiful smile is the envy of many and seems to be a must have amongst celebrities and the fashion world; but is there more to a smile than just great looking teeth?

Yes! Many researches and surveys have proved that a nice broad smile is crucial when it comes to first impressions and makes all the difference when it comes to your perceived attitude, confidence and youthfulness.

People hiding their smile are unfortunately often judged to be unfriendly, shy, grumpy or even uninteresting.

At Absolute Dental we are very aware that if a patient hides their smile it is likely to be because they do not like its appearance and are self-conscious of it; I know, I have been there myself!

We never think twice about having a haircut or hair colour at the first sign of grey; we wear make up to look healthier, younger more vibrant and we never hesitate to change our wardrobe; so why not find out about options to improve your smile?

If you are not happy with the smile you see in the mirror, we can help; in fact you will probably be surprised at the number of options available to improve the appearance of your smile; from short term orthodontic treatment to replacement of missing teeth.

We offer complimentary consultation to people looking at improving their smile, you can book yours today by calling 01548 852165 or email us on info@absolute-dental.co.uk