Wednesday 24 July 2013

Six Month Smiles at Absolute Dental - 4 months in.

We wanted to use this weeks blog to bring you some amazing photographs of one of our patients who is currently undergoing the Six Month Smile treatment here with us as Absolute Dental.

The patient came to us as she was not happy with the appearance of her upper teeth (see pictures). After the initial consultation with Rhodri John, it was decided that the Six Month Smile treatment would be the best short term orthodontic treatment option for the patient, and so we began the treatment.

We have been seeing the patient regularly every 4 weeks, as is necessary with the treatment, and at her latest review appointment earlier this month, Rhod took the following pictures - it is important to remember that this patient is only 4 months into her treatment - the results are already amazing!

If you would like straighter teeth before the end of 2013, or would like more information about the short term orthodontic treatment options here at Absolute Dental, then please call us on 01548 852165

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Dental Erosion - why 4 a day is better than 5 a day!!

The government has been promoting their 5 a day campaign to encourage us to have 5 a day of healthy portions of fruit/vegetables. This is a great idea for our general health particularly to help lower the incidence of heart disease and cancers, but one area of dental concern to us has been the widespread increase in consumption of fruit smoothies, to help gain some of these 5 a day portions. Our concern at Absolute is due to the erosive properties of fruit and particularly with certain fruits having a greater acidity than others, and greater capacity to cause reduction in the hardness of the tooth surface and also the reduction in the surface depth of teeth.

What erosion might feel like.
Some patients complain of an increase in sensitivity or pain.
What erosion might look like.
Teeth can take on a very smooth appearance particularly when loss of enamel occurs on palatal surfaces. The tooth can appear shorter in height and on some molar teeth, pits can appear on the biting surfaces of the cusps of the teeth.
This includes an initial investigation into the cause of erosion and we often ask our patients at Absolute to complete a diet sheet which patients complete with all the drinks and snacks they have over a period of time e.g. a week and the times of day as well. This allows us to evaluate where acidic drinks/foods are being consumed.
The new threats to your teeth.............................................Smoothies and thickies!!!
Legally there is no legal definition of a fruit smoothie but it is well accepted in the soft drinks industry that fruit smoothies are made only from pure fruit blended with 100% pure fruit juice (not from concentrate) with no added ingredients e.g. sugar, dairy sweeteners or water. They were thought to have originated in Brazil as a by-product of juicing fruit and first appeared in the UK in 1994 and have steadily increased their share of the soft drinks market. Thickies however, are a variation of smoothies and they contain dairy products and are particularly good for general health as they are classed as probiotics and provide a very good aid to digestion. This is due to the lactobacillus acidophillus they contain. The dental concern with these is more likely linked to some of the other ingredients, e.g. honey which could have the potential for caries as opposed to erosion. The share of the market for smoothies is huge with an increase from 6 million litres in 2001 to 34 million litres in 2006 and this is projected to treble in the next 5 years. This is just the shop bought smoothies.......................................
One recent study into the erosive capacity of smoothies carried out comparing 5 smoothies, 1 thickie, water and orange juice revealed that apart from the water and the thickie, all of the drinks brought about reductions in the surface hardness of teeth but those which were classed as significant were cranberry, blueberry and cherry fruit smoothie. When they looked at the loss of the depth of the tooth surface, kiwi, apple and lime smoothie produced the greatest loss of the depth of the tooth.
The tooth surface can only withstand 4 acid attacks a day before damage occurs and it takes at least 45 minutes for the mouth to produce enough saliva to neutralise the acid in the mouth, and for patients whose saliva contains less bicarbonate of soda, or who's saliva flow is reduced, this may take much longer.
Whats being done to help?
Where children are concerned, the World Health Organisation have developed nutritional educational guidelines for schools and in some who have adopted these, a maximum of fruit juice is limited to 200ml at lunchtimes.
What can we do as individuals?
Ask the team at Absolute!!!!
  • Avoid holding acidic foods and drinks in your mouth or sipping drinks over long periods.
  • Check the foods and drinks you consume and perhaps try a diet sheet for a week and see if you can recognise where you could change your diet to limit the number of times you have acids.
  • Brush your teeth gently but thoroughly with a soft or medium toothbrush and avoid rinsing after brushing.
  • Use a good fluoride mouthwash after mealtimes.
  • Wait until at least 45 minutes after consuming acid rich drinks or foods before brushing teeth.
  • Use a specialised low abraision toothpaste.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Short Term Orthodontics at Absolute Dental

The use of short term orthodontics (such as Six Month Smiles and then Inman Aligner) are being used more and more to given adults the straighter smile and subsequent confidence in their smile they so often looking for.

This week’s blog looks at a success story here at Absolute.

Our patient came to see us in June last year really worries at the amount her teeth had moved since her childhood orthodontics. Treatment was started in mid July 2012 and our patient was advised to wear her appliance for 16 hours per day.

By the time we saw our patient again in September she was already delighted with the changes in her smile, and by October the upper teeth were completed and looking lovely. At this stage we made a retainer for the patient to ensure she can now maintain her smile forever.

Between November 2012 and March 2013 we completed the same treatment on the lower teeth and we saw our patient in June 2013 to review things and to say we were all completely delighted is an understatement.

The before and after photographs below speak for themselves.

The most important part of this success story is that we are now carrying out the same treatment for the patients mum, just showing that you are never too old to make changes that allow you to smile confidently and feel better about yourself.
To see what some of our other patients though about their Inman Aligner Treatment, please click here.
Call us on 01548 852165 for more information on any of the Short Term Orthodontic options offered here at Absolute Dental or to book your consultation - in just six months, you too could have straighter teeth

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Pass it On - National Transplant Week 8-14th July 2013

Did you know that only 31% of us in the UK have joined the organ donor register - yet more than 10,000 of us need a transplant.  So who's giving them?

The answer is not enough people.  The serious lack of donations mean 1000 per year are dying needlessly.   So the purpose of the week is to draw awareness to the problem and make a change.

Kidney transplants are most common, as well as hearts, livers and other organs.  Donated corneas also give people a new way of looking at the world!

So how does it work?  Donors are matched according to blood and tissue type.   People from the same ethnic group are likely to be a closer match - although people from different ethnic groups usually match just as well.
When you register and get your donor card you can choose which organs you want to donate - but not who they're donated to.

The long-term organ transplant benefits are invaluable.   Not only does it give someone a second chance, transplants are less expensive than having to to keep paying for medication that would ultmiately only be a temporary solution.

When someone dies, it's really hard to accept that they're gone.   But knowing that a part of their loved one will help someone else will be a huge help for the person grieving.

Hearts, kidneys livers and corneas are all vital organs needed by people to survive and go on to enjoy their lives.

The idea of this week is simply to raise awareness of this subject, however, if you would like to join the organ donor register click here now.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Four cups of coffee a day keeps mouth cancer at bay

It is our responsibility to share with our patients all the facts and worrying figures about mouth cancer.

There has been some recent developments in America about reducing the risk, a suggestion that will suit many of us coffee drinkers

Drinking four cups of coffee can halve the risk of dying from throat and mouth cancer, according to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Lead author Janet Hildebrand and her colleagues from the American Cancer Society (ACS) used data from 968,432 men and women for the study. The researchers found that the participants who reported drinking more than four cups of caffeinated coffee a day had a 49 per cent lower risk of death from throat and mouth cancer compared to those who don't drink coffee at all.

However, Hildebrand warns that this evidence is not solid enough to actively encourage people to go out and drink coffee.
