Tuesday 19 October 2010

Bacterial Tricksters

A recent study carried out by scientists at the University of Bristol have found that bacteria entering the bloodstream via sore gums, depositing a clot forming protein may prove the long considered link between gum and heart disease. It has been found that certain bacteria present in the mouth can activate platelets, tricking them into clotting. Hopefully by publicising this knowledge it will become more recognised that bacteria in the mouth can be responsible for more than just tooth decay and gum disease, but also diseases of the circulation.
This is a great reinforcement of the importance of maintaining a healthy mouth, with a thorough, daily, oral health routine.
Having a clean, healthy mouth & effectively removing plaque, reduces the potential risk of bacteria getting into the blood stream. Hopefully this will give patients the motivation to take better care of their oral health.

A spokesperson for the DoH said “This very interesting study contributes to the growing body of evidence linking periodontal disease with cardiovascular disease, which has been developing over two decades”

Thursday 14 October 2010

Our practice reputation and patient base is built on referrals. We believe that if a patient has a good experience they will tell at least 5 other people, to ease the process we give our patients a set of referral cards at their appointment, personalised with their name for them to hand out to friends and family. To show our appreciation to our loyal patients who refer others, we regularly hold a prize draw into which all the names of referring patients are placed. The lucky winner this month received a hamper of Molton Brown pamper products.

Monday 11 October 2010

On Saturday 9th October, a team from three Kingsbridge businesses took part in the Royal Marines “Commando Challenge” on Woodbury Common. A team from one of our wonderful labs - Kingsbridge Dental Laboratory - headed by its owner Julian Dorey, and Nick Cox from Palladium Builders Merchants joined the team from Absolute Dental who had chosen this as their latest fundraising challenge. Absolute always try and choose a fundraising event each year in support of charities close to their hearts, and also an event that will really promote team building, as we feel this is fundamental to the growth of the Absolute team.

The course, which is only open to the public on this one weekend of the year, is punishing both physically and mentally. Once you have negotiated waist-deep bogs and tunnels full of stones and water on your hands and knees, then comes the ultimate challenge of “The Sheep Dip”, which as the name suggests involves full immersion in a pool of muddy water as you are thrust through what can only be described as a Smartie tube!

The aim was to raise as much money for the Devon Air Ambulance and C-Commando a charity that aids the rehabilitation of injured soldiers. The team raised over £1200 for the charities and team captain Rhodri John of Absolute Dental said after the event “It was a real test of teamwork – we put our trust completely in those around us to overcome some very personal challenges – we all felt amazing afterwards; a real sense of achievement for a worthwhile cause.” It just goes to show that when we work together with and trust those around us we can really achieve great things. Emma is now on the look out for our next team challenge.....

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Team building is an important factor in any environment; its focus is to specialise in bringing out the best in a team to ensure self development, positive communication, leadership skills and the ability to work closely together as a team to problem solve which, in turn helps us to work efficiently and effectively as an excellent dental team.
Team building is pursued in a variety of ways, and can range from simple bonding exercises to complex simulations and multi-day team building retreats designed to help develop a team.
The Absolute Dental ‘Absolute Stars’ next team challenge will be testing the limits – The Royal Marines Commando Challenge, the 4k fun challenge on Saturday 9th October, which involves lots of running up hills, crawling through tunnels (some full of water!) The infamous sheep dip, need I explain more! And the very muddy crocodile pit.
The Challenge is all in aid of 2 great charities – Devon Air Ambulance and The C Group which was founded in 2007 by a growing number of businessmen, who have an interest in supporting the Royal Marines, which pledges as one of its three Objectives ‘to support the on-going rehabilitation and re-integration of injured Royal Marines, whether within the corps or in a new direction in a civilian career.The Absolute Stars team hope to raise £500 for each of these charities – if you would like to pledge a donation for the Commando Challenge call into the practice, or donate online following the link http://www.justgiving.com/Absolutestarsdental