Thursday 27 October 2011

how Absolute can help with clenching and grinding

October 24-30th is Bruxism Awareness Week
Are any of these symptoms familiar: migraines, tinnitus, poor sleep quality, neck ache and pain in the jaw joints? For most people, any of these symptoms would prompt a visit to their GP – however, very few people realise that there is one common cause for these symptoms – one that can only your dentist – rather than your doctor – can solve.
This is because bruxism (tooth clenching and grinding) affects over half of the adult population, an possible up to as many as 85% of patients for every dental practice – but because the bruxism mostly happens at night, most people are unaware they are doing it – any many dentists don’t associate these symptoms with other signs, such as tooth wear, due to a lack of awareness of the condition.
Here at Absolute Dental, your jaw joint is checked at every Oral Health Assessment to assess for signs of abnormal function; we monitor the wear on your teeth, look for abnormal tooth fractures and we take the time to ask about your general health. If we think that you might be putting your dental health at risk due to nocturnal clenching and grinding we can suggest a simple splint treatment which will not only protect your teeth but help to train the muscles of the jaw to relax, thus trying to break the clenching/grinding cycle.
If you have any concerns that you might one of the millions of people affected by bruxism, please call us for details on how we can help, or mention it to Rhod and Ruth next time you visit the practice.

Monday 24 October 2011

Fabulous Open Evening

Last Wednesday evening we opened our doors to our patients and their guests for an open evening, with Champagne reception to profile our facial aesthetic treatments and our Sleepwell anti-snoring device.

Both Rhod and Ruth gave excellent presentations on their respective areas of specialist interest and answered many questions from those who attended. The evening was both informal and informative and we would like to thank all of those who attended for making the evening so enjoyable.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Absolute Tooth Wear!

On Monday some of the Absolute Team attended a CPD (continued professional development) evening kindly sponsored by Practice Plan and the speaker was our very own Bill Beare, Specialist in Restorative Dentistry, he did an excellent presentation about tooth wear, giving excellent advice about managing different patient cases and how to overcome the hurdles faced when asking about the sensitive cases such as eating disorders and excessive alcohol intake.

Acid Erosion is something that we can see everyday at the Dental Practice and can be caused by many things. It can be found in patients with a healthy diet that include fruit juices and high fruit content, it is important to be able to spot the early signs and learn to ask the right questions to establish the cause. We are very keen to put prevention at the top of the list and help patients with home care any dietary modifications.

I found Bill a very interesting and knowledgeable speaker and I look forward to hearing from Bill again, especially seeing some of the interesting slides of before and after treatment pictures in particular! Thanks Bill.

Written by Rachael

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Absolute fond farewells

The Absolute team said sad farewells to Amber and Annie on Friday last week. They will be missed by us all. We would like to wish them luck and happiness in all they do.
We also took the opportunity of celebrating Rachel's birthday and welcoming our newest member of the team Melanie.
For the team it was an excuse (not that we should need one!) to enjoy a night out in Kingsbridge kicking the night off with drinks on the Quay on what was very a beautiful 'summers' evening followed by an indian meal.