Tuesday 27 January 2015

Denture Stabilisation with Dental Implants - Solutions from Absolute Dental

Dental Implants offer a fantastic way to stabilise dentures that move when a person speaks or talks.

Not only this, but Dental Implants offer many advantages such as:

  • They have been used by dental professionals for over 40 years and are a trusted method of replacing missing teeth
  • They act like a natural tooth root and patients do not feel the difference.
  • They are made of a biocompatible material and as a result are accepted by your body
  • Dental implants usually last a lifetime with proper care and good oral hygiene
  • They maintain natural bone levels and minimise further bone loss due to bone stimulation - this is one of the most important advantages.
  • Stability and Comfort are provided and it means a wider range of replacement tooth solutions become available.

Why not find out more about Dental Implants today by calling us on 01548 852165 www.absolute-dental.co.uk

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Stabilising Your Dentures - Absolute Dental has the right solution for you!

Dentures that move when you eat or speak can by painful, unsightly and very annoying to the wearer. Did you know that Absolute Dental have the solution to the problem?

  • Removable Implant Overdentures - these provide stability where new teeth are attached to two or more dental implants. Patients can chew a variety of foods with confidence and their sense of taste is unaffected as there is no coverage of the palate. Teeth can be unclipped from the implants for cleaning and there is no need for denture fixative!
  • Removable Implant Overdentures on an Implant Bar - For an even more secure fit, an implant bar can be added, supported by two or more implants. This provides even stronger support for removable dentures. Once again these are removable for cleaning, and denture adhesive becomes a thing of the past!
  • Fixed Implant Supported Bridges - these are a more durable solution with natural looking replacement teeth, secured on four or more dental implants. This solution even stimulates jaw bone maintenance, restores chewing function and maintains taste sensation.

If you are looking for an alternative to your current denture, please call in or telephone on 01548 852165 for more information on denture stabilisation today, and start living life to the fullest once again!


Tuesday 13 January 2015

Why Old Fashion Dentures are not the Answer - Absolute Dental have the solution!

Strong, healthy teeth are important for health and well being and unsecured dentures are an old fashioned solution for people who have lost all of their natural teeth.

Often denture wearers find that wearing unsecured dentures can be painful, inconvenient and awkward as they make eating or chewing certain foods difficult and this means they are no longer able to enjoy the foods that they once did.

Wearing dentures can also affect how words are pronounced and therefore they way denture wearers speak.

There are a variety of modern dental implant-based tooth replacement solutions available, and we can help you with these.

Any of these solutions can dramatically improve the quality of life of a denture wearer by enabling proper chewing and improving speech, increasing comfort and self confidence and encouraging the consumption of a wider variety of foods.

Please ask one of the team at Absolute for options on denture stabilisation and start living life to the fullest once again.

www.absolute-dental.co.uk 01548852165

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Absolute Dentals 2015 Resolutions - Have you made yours?

Have you made any New Years Resolutions? The team here at Absolute have, and we thought we would share them with you as it may help us to stick to them! Some are personal, some are professional and some are both (because we like a challenge!), but we've all picked something that will improve certain aspects of our lives and/or develop good habits. There are as follows:

Emma: Work: Use "To do lists, multi task less and focus more. Personal; make new mistakes and learn from them.

Rhodri: To make 2015 the year I maintain a fitness regime"

Ruth: To make time to read more and also to de-clutter on a regular basis.

Maureen Have my teeth whitened AND cook a new recipe every month next year from my fabulous new Mary Berry cookbook

Rachael: to have more will power

Christina: to improve my flexibility by touching my toes every morning; inspired by my Grandma who is 90 this year & can still touch hers!

Di: to think before reacting and consider if her response is appropriate and effective to the situation

Amber: to give up chocolate for the whole of January, start something new (possibly Tai Chi) and to improve my memory!

Carys: to do more things that scare me, get out of my comfort zone more.

Kelly: to spend more time making the most of where we live, be out on and in the water more and hopefully learn to waterski

Have any of these inspired you to make your own resolutions? Do let us know!

Happy New Year from all the team at Absolute Dental.