Thursday 28 April 2016


Most people do not know that the health of their mouth is connected to the health of their heart. At Absolute Dental, we are committed to helping our patients understand how proper dental care can impact cardiac health. Several medical studies have shown that severe oral conditions including periodontal disease (gum disease) result in an increased risk for a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, when you get dental treatment,  you are caring for your cardiac health and your oral health at once.

Dentists have long known that gum disease is associated with the transfer of bacteria into the blood and that is why antibiotics were once used as a preventive measure prior to dental treatment for patients with heart murmurs and valve problems. Now, we know more. Studies suggest that periodontal disease (gum disease) is associated with evidence of risk factors for heart attacks and strokes, including: inflammation and pathogens leading to thrombosis (formation of blood clots) and atherosclerosis (thickening of arterial blood vessel walls).

Recent evidence also shows the relationship between gum disease and heart disease by demonstrating the presence of a pathogen called LPS in the gums and plaque build up in blood vessels around the heart. The pathogen Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is present in the gums of patients with periodontal disease. You can combat the harmful bacteria  that live in both your mouth and your heart with proper dental hygiene routine.

Of course, good oral hygiene does not just help with heart health, it helps with many common conditions such as diabetes.

At Absolute Dental we are committed to looking after the health of your mouth but also to your general health.

Please speak to you dentist if you have any concerns regarding any aspect of your health and how we could help you.

Our wonderful hygiene team is always on hand to help you not only to remove inflammation causing deposits in your mouth but also to ensure that you have a very solid home care routine that helps you care for your mouth but also for your heart.


Tuesday 19 April 2016

An interview with Rhodri John, Clinical Director at Absolute Dental on Facial Aesthetics here at Absolute.

Dr Rhodri John has been the clinical director at Absolute Dental for Dental Practice for over 14 years. Alongside dentistry he has also been offering facial rejuvenation treatments for several years at the practice.

Not many people realise but dentists have an exceptional in-depth knowledge about the face and it’s muscles and structure, which is really important when carrying out Facial Aesthetic Treatments.

Dr John offers Botox and Dermal Filler treatments to his existing patients at Absolute Dental  but the news of his talents spread rapidly and had many of his patients recommending their friends and family so now offers the treatments are offered to everyone.

Here we interview Rhodri about the facial treatments he offers.

What treatments do you offer?

I offer Botox treatments to help reduce frown lines, forehead lines and  laughter lines.

I also offer a range of treatments using Dermal Fillers;  these include redefining lips, lip enhancement.

Which treatment is the most popular?

Botox treatments are the most popular as patients can look refreshed and rejuvenated pretty quickly and there is minimal recovery time, e.g. People will pop in their lunchtimes to have their Botox treatments and will go straight back to work!

Has a treatment ever gone wrong for you?

I can’t say it has. I feel the secret to this is that have a detailed conversation with the patient finding out what their concerns are and what they would like to improve. This eliminates any surprise for the patients! I may also take before and after photos so patients can see the changes and improvements that have occurred.  I am a great believer when I see a new client that I would rather undertreat as you can also add more at a later date allowing the result to always look fresh and natural.

On the other hand, I have seen a few patients that have been treated by unqualified people, such as beauticians, and are unhappy with the results. It has been very difficult to correct the mistakes. I always reiterate to my patients the importance of checking out the qualifications of anyone that comes close to them with a needle.
Can men have treatment?

Yes, men love it too. Men have stronger facial muscles than women and so facial lines forms quicker and are deeper. A little bit of Botox can help men look refreshed and less tired without looking ‘false’.

How old are the people that come to see you?

My patients range from 19 -70 years old. The younger patients just want simple treatments such as lip enhancements and a small amount of Botox. Whereas, the older patients want a combination of both Botox and Dermal Fillers.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Why Xylitol may be the biggest advance in dentistry since fluoride!

Some of you will have seen the Peppersmith mints on sale in the practice, and often ask why we are selling them ("Sweets! At the dentist!"), so we thought we would explain a little bit about them. They contain a sugar substitute called Xylitol - sources from beech trees, with a taste similar to sugar but with 40% fewer calories, and more importantly it has ACTIVE DENTAL HEALTH BENEFITS! Clinical studies have shown that habitual xylitol consumption decreases tooth decay. products containing xylitol are now endorsed by over 15 dental associations worldwide.

Why do I need xylitol?

It takes more than just brushing to look after your teeth. Most damage happens during the day after eating and drinking. Regular use of 100% xylitol mints and gum helps reduce this damage and prevents problems before they start.

How does it work?
Tooth decay starts with harmful bacteria in the mouth. Sugary foods give these bacteria energy to multiply and produce acids that dissolve the enamel of the tooth and cause decay. Xylitol has the opposite effect; reducing this bacteria (they can fall by as much as 90%) and preventing acid attacks. It also reduces the bacteria’s ability to stick to your teeth so plaque is easier to remove.

How do I get these benefits?
Xylitol isn’t a magic bullet and you have to use it regularly to make the most of its benefits. Dentists recommend you should have 5g (or more) a day.  That’s about 9 mints or 5 pieces of gum a day. Split this into several servings, ideally after every snack or meal when there’s a risk of acid attack (when sugars in food and drink react with the bacteria in your mouth to produce harmful acids that dissolve the enamel of the tooth).

Who is xylitol suitable for?
Xylitol is a great tool for anyone looking to take extra care of their teeth. Peppersmith mints and gum are particularly useful for anyone who:
  • – Has a history of cavities and plaque build up
  • – Has a high sugar diet and snacks during the day
  • – Suffers from dry mouth conditions

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Safe Tooth Whitening at Absolute Dental

You may have seen in the news over the weekend there was a "call for action" on rogue tooth whitening providers, who are not qualified to provide such treatments and therefore run the risk of causing damage to your teeth.

We thought you might like to know that we at Absolute Dental take tooth whitening very seriously, and our ethos is very much one of providing you with treatment and advice that only improve the health of your teeth and gums, and not have a detrimental effect.

Therefore, we thought you might like to read our advice on the tooth whitening we provide here:

whitening at absolute dental

You are probably aware that teeth begin to darken as we grow older and the staining from coffee, tea and red wine also take their toll. This can be easily remedied by the use of a home whitening kit. Quite simply, your absolute dentist will take models of your teeth from which we will have trays tailor-made for you - together with the rest of the kit and simple instructions you will be able to lighten your teeth several shades and be able to maintain them too.

what is tooth whitening? Tooth whitening using whitening gels, is a highly effective way to lighten the natural colour of teeth or to restore the colour of teeth that have become discoloured and stained.
is tooth whitening safe? Yes!
It is an established procedure in cosmetic dentistry to restore a bright white healthy smile! Under the supervision of a dentist it is safe for teeth and gums.
how does it work? As the active ingredient in the whitening gel (Carbamide peroxide or Hydrogen peroxide) breaks down , oxygen enters the enamel and the tooth becomes lighter. The structure of the tooth remains unchanged.
at home tray whitening
Highly effective and cost effective. Carried out at home (under the supervision of your dentist) using custom made close fitting Whitening Trays. Duration of the treatment depends on the amount of whitening you require - some teeth lighten after a few days. Maximum results generally occur when the process is continued for approximately 2 weeks. Some patients may require longer to achieve the desired result - your dentist can advise you.

If you would like any more information on this, or any of the other services we provide, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01548 852165 or email