Tuesday 4 August 2009

Dealing with Dental Injury to Children

One in five children will have some accident involving the teeth. Toddlers tumble as they learn to walk; older children cycle, run, skateboard, trampoline and dive into swimming pools. - and they play contact sports– football, hockey and rugby. Boys are twice as likely as girls to have an accident, and the most common age group for accidents is 6 to 12 years old. Children with front teeth that stick out are at greater risk of injury. Should your child be unfortunate to have an accident involving the teeth, take them to the dentist straight away.
The dentist will examine your child and treat as necessary. An x-ray is sometimes required.
A small break to a milk tooth or permanent tooth can be simply smoothed down. If necessary a tooth coloured filling can be matched to repair a bigger break.
A tooth, which has been pushed into the gum may be left untreated as it usually comes down again by itself.
A tooth knocked out of position can be repositioned by the dentist. A permanent tooth might need
some support for a period of time until stable. A nerve exposed by injury must be treated straight away. The nerve may be removed and the tooth restored appropriately.

Remember If your child has an accident involving a tooth, whether a milk tooth or permanent see a dentist AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

If a PERMANENT TOOTH is knocked out, do not panic but act quickly. Follow these steps:
FIND THE TOOTH Hold the tooth by the crown (the visible part in the mouth) NOT the root
DO NOT scrub the tooth or place in disinfectant
IF THE TOOTH IS CLEAN Hold by the crown. Gently push it into the socket making sure it is the right
way round. This is usually painless if done immediately after the accident
IF THE TOOTH IS DIRTY Rinse gently in milk or cold water before pushing gently back into place
HOLD THE TOOTH IN PLACE Ask the child to bite gently on a handkerchief
Do NOT attempt to replace a baby tooth

PLACE IN A CUP OF MILK When milk is not available place the tooth in the mouth between the
cheeks and gums
DO NOT let the tooth become dry
DO NOT place the tooth in disinfectant
GO TO THE DENTIST IMMEDIATELY – or to hospital casualty department and ask to be seen by the
dentist on duty

Your Dentist has many skills to help restore teeth that may be injured

1 comment:

  1. It is very important to take care of teeth of young children.Its a very good article about dental care of children. You did good job. Keep it up.
