Monday 13 July 2009

Absolute Nurses

These "Gems" are a very important part of the Absolute Team- usually very over looked- they are vital to the smooth running and functioning of our Dental Practice.

Our Dental Nurses, Denise, Hatty, Rachel, Di and Fliss are a huge asset to our practice, they have studied and trained for at least 2 years full time and now qualified are required to keep all their skills and knowledge learnt up-to-date through a programme of Continual Professional Development.

Our Nurses act as a go between to the Dentists, Hygienists and the patients offering a kind and supportive role to all patients whether nervous or not. They are discreet and caring and of course the are the "captains" of the treatment room making sure that everything is in its place, scrupulous clean and hygienically kept with regards to all instrument and materials and last but not least assisting the Clinician, while caring for patients.

Other duties including answering the telephone, dealing with paperwork, collecting and taking payment, stock control and being the face of the practice.

Our dental nurses are a vital part of the Absolute Team because the practice would not function without them- so I say again- very rare "Gems"



  1. Dental nurses are employed in general dental practices, community dental services, hospitals and the armed services.

    Dental nurses are typically responsible for ensuring the Dentist or Surgeon's patient list runs smoothly during the course of a clinical session.

    The education and training of dental nurses so as to enable a level of skill and safety and operational excellence to be achieved for the benefit of the public.

    To set and publish syllabuses of study for dental nurses.

    To set and publish examinations for dental nurses and hold examinations.

    To provide and train examiners and assessors to issue certificates to successful candidates to reflect the level of skill achieved.

    To advise, assist and validate the training and assessment centres which undertake qualifications provided by the Charity.

    To support research which shows the benefits of setting skill levels.

    San Luis Obispo Dental Office

  2. I think Dental nurses Rock!!
