Tuesday 16 August 2016

Tooth Enamel and Acid Wear - Start Protecting Today!

Erosive Tooth Wear, also known as Acid Wear, Acid Erosion, Enamel Erosion or Tooth Erosion, is of growing concern and could quickly become the next big threat to the long-term health of our teeth – it’s a real challenge for the 21st century. Yet few people have heard of it.

This ground-breaking research has revealed that an acid-rich modern diet can result in Acid Wear, one of the main components of Tooth Wear.

Tooth Wear is known to get worse over time, so this study is even more revealing as it shows that as many as 30% of young adults (18-35 year olds) are showing some signs already.

We can’t see the early signs ourselves but when a dentist is checking for tooth decay or tooth pain, they will also be looking for Tooth Wear, including these 5 signs of Acid Wear: weak, thin, transparent or see-through, yellowing and dull enamel.

A modern acid-rich diet could be putting your teeth more at risk than you might think.  

As few as four acidic ‘moments’ throughout the day can put enamel at risk from Acid Wear also know as Acid Erosion. http://www.pronamel.co.uk/how-acid-wear-affects-you.html

It’s not just the fizzy drinks, coffee or wine; surprisingly it can even be our healthier choices: fruit, fruit juices, sparkling water with lemon and even salad dressings can count towards our daily acidic ‘moments’.

Revealing how today’s diet can affect our teeth. That’s The Acid Truth.

Enamel and Acid Wear

Enamel is the white, mineral-rich protective outer layer of our teeth. It’s not just strong, it’s the hardest substance in our bodies. Surprisingly though, enamel can be weakened or softened just by the acids found in our everyday food and drink. If weakened, our enamel can then be more easily worn away. Over time, it can get gradually thinner, duller and see-through – eventually revealing the yellow layer underneath. These are just some of the effects of Acid Wear.

Tooth Wear can be described as the loss of tooth substance (i.e. enamel) and is different from Tooth Decay. Tooth wear can be caused by either mechanical (e.g. grinding) or chemical (e.g. dietary acids) challenges. Erosive Tooth Wear, also known as Acid Wear, is the wearing away of enamel often due to dietary acids.
We believe that everyone, young or old, should have strong, healthy and beautiful teeth whilst still being able to enjoy delicious, healthy food and drinks – for a lifetime.
Every day protection is everything when it comes to Acid Wear prevention
Acids in our daily diet can weaken teeth, dissolving essential minerals and making the enamel surface easier to wear away.
Once enamel’s gone, it’s gone forever.
Speak to us today about your concerns and our team of dentists and hygienists can help identify areas in your diet to make changes and suggest toothpastes that can strengthen weakened enamel.

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