Tuesday 2 August 2016

Pretty Muddy 5k - The Absolute Angels' tale of mud, sweat and the odd tear!

The sun was shining on the morning of Saturday July 23rd, as the team of Absolute Angels set off to Westpoint in Exeter to take part in the Cancer Research UKs "Pretty Muddy 5k".

The strap line for the event is "Cancer plays dirty, but so can we!" and so we knew we weren't going to stay dry and clean on this particular event!

As with all these events, it started with an enthusiastic warm up led by a military PT instructor (the highlight of my day!!!), where it was clear that some of our team were going to be running to their own beat today!

As our wave assembled on the start line we were all encouraged to crouch down and to take a moments silence to remember why we were all taking part in the event this year...this part is always hard.

When we, as a team, signed up for this event at the end of last year, our dear friend and colleague Maureen (Mo) was battling this horrible disease. We knew Mo wouldn't be able to run with us, but we could all imagine her there on the side-lines cheering us on. Sadly, Mo lost her battle with cancer in April of this year, and we all still miss her terribly. This gave us all the incentive to do our best on the day, raise lots of money to beat this disease and we all felt she was with us on the day, smiling down at our efforts to get around the course!

The course was made up of obstacles that involved us climbing over, under and through various inflatables....all of which were surrounded with mud and water!! And if that didn't get us wet enough, the cheery marshals had industrial water pistols to ensure we were thoroughly soaked!

Cargo nets, space hoppers, slides and tunnels all made the course very entertaining, and there were many laugh out load moments on the way round! We crossed the line as a team, and the first thing we did was seek out Rhod (who couldn't run with us in this ladies only event) and gave him a huge, wet, muddy hug!!!

We raised over £1500 for the charity and hope Mo would have been very proud of us.


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