Tuesday 11 August 2015

Reasons why Dental Implants can be Life Changing - Absolute Dental

There are many reasons why someone might choose to have dental implants over traditional dentures; each reason is as unique as the individual who is making the choice. We have compiled a list of common reasons you should choose dental implants, reasons that very well could be life changing.

  1. Were you aware that as you age you lose facial structure and your face can actually shorten? This shortening of the face is why you see those distinct “age lines” on the elderly’s’ faces. When you have dental implants you are helping to preserve the jawbone’s integrity. You have heard the saying you better use it before you lose it? Your jawbone is no different if you do not use your jawbone on a regular basis then you will lose the bone density. Dental implants provide the natural pressure on the jawbone from chewing; this pressure can be lost when you lose the tooth. Your jawbone won’t know the tooth is a implant because it will mimic the same movement that your real tooth would have.
  2. Look younger by choosing dental implants. That’s correct you read that right, when you decide to go with dental implants they can actually help you look younger. Think about it, when you see a young person they appear young because everything is in its place, everything is where it should be. Dental implants can help assist the slowing of the degenerative process of things shifting under the skin. Dental implants also help improve your confidence and over all morale which helps make you seem younger as well.
  3. Dental implants can make you speak better. When you have dentures you may not realize it but you will speak differently, because you have to adjust to holding the dentures in your mouth and they are unnatural so the entire way you hold your jaw changes. With dental implants the teeth feel as normal as your natural ones so there is no change in your jaw line or how you speak. On a side note with dental implants you won’t ever have to worry about your dentures falling out during a laugh or sneeze.
  4. Dental implants are a one-time stop most times. Dental implants due to the material they are made from, titanium they are not at risk for decay or break down so they can last you 20 years or even longer! When you chose to have a dental bridge you will need to replace that every 5-10 years due to the dental decay, and dentures are recommended to be replaced every couple years as well. All these replacements and fixes cost money whether it is co-pays or out of pocket it’s money you don’t have to spend, if you opt to have dental implants put in the first time around.

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