Tuesday 10 February 2015

The sexiest curve is a Smile - Valentines thoughts from Absolute Dental

One of the sexiest things in the world is a smile. Not the sly smile of seduction (although that is definitely sexy), but  a genuine smile from the heart. The kind that radiates joy and happiness, the kind where the eyes of the person smiling absolutely twinkle and sparkle. The kind of smile you can actually feel because the positive energy of the person smiling is palpable.

There has been much research into how smiling can help reduce the level of stress-enhancing hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, and dopamine; increase the level of mood-enhancing hormones like endorphin; and reduce overall blood pressure.’ If you think about it, you too probably feel better when you smile!

Think about how this relates to sexiness for a moment. Think about the sexiest people you know. Chances are they are calm, confidence and they ooze a relaxed, positive presence. Let’s face it; people who are perpetually negative or seldom smile, rarely appear sexy or sensuous.

Negative people are generally living in their heads, passing judgment and making assumptions. But those who smile more tend to be more grounded and notice the beauty in the little things around them. When people smile it has a positive affect on the systems in their bodies, and they feel better. And when you feel better you tend to smile more, which is a pretty lovely cycle to be in!

When people smile they carry themselves straighter, their walk is sure, they hold their head higher and they appear more confident. It’s impossible to express a genuine smile without boosting your own happiness. If it’s authentic, your eyes will glisten with a soft, gentle grin as well as with a big beaming smile. Keep it real. Be aware of how often you smile from within and be mindful to express it with your eyes. You will notice a beautiful unfolding of confidence, happiness and sexiness. And that will be attractive to everyone around you.

Smiling at others with radiance is a gift that increases the well-being and happiness of both giver and receiver. When we are blessed to receive a smile from within we are bearing witness to the inner beauty and pure essence of the giver. So over the next week (and particularly on Valentines Day!) try something: Make a conscious effort to smile with a twinkle in your eye and give the gift of that smile to others. Let your inner essence and sexiness shine through, and take note of how you feel!

If, on the other hand, you do not feel confident in your smile, maybe we can help. Why not contact Absolute Dental on 01548 852165 or email us info@absolute-dental.co.uk and book a complimentary consultation with our team to see the many ways in which we may be able to give you the confidence back in your smile!

(Dr Gayle Friend)

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