Tuesday 12 April 2016

Why Xylitol may be the biggest advance in dentistry since fluoride!

Some of you will have seen the Peppersmith mints on sale in the practice, and often ask why we are selling them ("Sweets! At the dentist!"), so we thought we would explain a little bit about them. They contain a sugar substitute called Xylitol - sources from beech trees, with a taste similar to sugar but with 40% fewer calories, and more importantly it has ACTIVE DENTAL HEALTH BENEFITS! Clinical studies have shown that habitual xylitol consumption decreases tooth decay. products containing xylitol are now endorsed by over 15 dental associations worldwide.

Why do I need xylitol?

It takes more than just brushing to look after your teeth. Most damage happens during the day after eating and drinking. Regular use of 100% xylitol mints and gum helps reduce this damage and prevents problems before they start.

How does it work?
Tooth decay starts with harmful bacteria in the mouth. Sugary foods give these bacteria energy to multiply and produce acids that dissolve the enamel of the tooth and cause decay. Xylitol has the opposite effect; reducing this bacteria (they can fall by as much as 90%) and preventing acid attacks. It also reduces the bacteria’s ability to stick to your teeth so plaque is easier to remove.

How do I get these benefits?
Xylitol isn’t a magic bullet and you have to use it regularly to make the most of its benefits. Dentists recommend you should have 5g (or more) a day.  That’s about 9 mints or 5 pieces of gum a day. Split this into several servings, ideally after every snack or meal when there’s a risk of acid attack (when sugars in food and drink react with the bacteria in your mouth to produce harmful acids that dissolve the enamel of the tooth).

Who is xylitol suitable for?
Xylitol is a great tool for anyone looking to take extra care of their teeth. Peppersmith mints and gum are particularly useful for anyone who:
  • – Has a history of cavities and plaque build up
  • – Has a high sugar diet and snacks during the day
  • – Suffers from dry mouth conditions

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