Friday 24 May 2013

Healthy Gums - Healthy Heart!

That’s right! According to recent studies, research shows that serious diseases such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes & even premature, low birth weight babies can all be caused by or made worse by poor oral health!

So, I guess your wondering how? I know I was! Often people relate plaque bacteria, poor brushing & sugar is related to holes in the teeth, its often forgotten & not known that the plaque bacteria can have harmful effects on gum tissue & the rest of the body.

Gum disease is severe inflammation of the gum caused by plaque bacteria being left on the tooth surface long enough to irritate it. The bacteria is then able to get into the blood stream where it produces a sticky protein which can stick together in blood vessels, making it a higher risk that blood clots to form- which in time can lead to a heart attack. The effect the plaque bacteria has on the blood vessels can also prevent blood flow to the brain, causing a stroke!

People who suffer from diabetes, are far more likely to suffer with gum disease than those without the condition. This is due to diabetics slower response to infections making them more prone to being more sensitive to the plaque bacteria. New research has found that if you do have gum disease then you are more likely to develop diabetes too! So it seems like a vicious circle!

Anyway, you get the picture- keep your gums healthy & you are at lower risk of developing a serious illness! The body it an amazing thing & before I started my career in the dental industry, I would never of imagined that the way I look after my mouth would have such an all round effect on everything else! It certainly opened my eyes to how important regular visits to the dentist & hygienist are, teamed with a thorough oral hygiene routine!


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