Tuesday 28 February 2012

Turn the tap off!

There are stories all over the news currently concerned with the water shortage in South Eat England after two dry winters in a row left reservoirs dangerously low and fish dying in rivers.

The Anglia region was already in drought, meaning more than half of the population of the UK faces hosepipe bans in a matter of weeks.

There could even be restrictions in London - part of the South East region - where thousands of litres more water will be needed because of the Olympics.

It is expected that most of the Midlands, including the area around Birmingham, could be declared in drought within the next few weeks.

Water consumption in the UK is up 30 per cent per person since 1970 and it is feared that if the trend isn’t reversed there will come a time when the demand just won’t be able to be met.

This will have a devastating effect on the UK’s rivers, lakes and stream levels, animal and plant life so this year for the first time the National Smile Month Campaign is promoting responsible water use.

The campaign aims to encourage adults and children to turn off the tap when brushing their teeth and save up to 12 litres of water, every time. So far Save Water Save Money and 19 of the UK’s Water Companies have joined forces to encourage water efficiency, by raising awareness of the high levels of water wasted in the bathroom.

Currently, 25 per cent of household energy is spent heating up water and according to Waterwise, if every adult in England and Wales turned off the tap when brushing their teeth, it could save enough water to supply nearly 500,000 homes or fill 180 Olympic swimming pools – every day!

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