Wednesday 28 April 2010

Bad Breath Beware!

… Have you ever found yourself at a party talking to a stranger or friend & trying to edge away from them inch by inch because they have bad breath?!

Bad breath (halitosis) is a very common problem & can affect all people at all ages. It can be a socially embarrassing disorder; though many people are unaware they have it unless they have been told!!
It's been estimated that 40% of the population suffers from halitosis at some point.
The causes of bad breath:
Most common is poor dental hygiene, such as ineffective brushing & not cleaning in between the teeth, this can lead to plaque build up, which in contact with oxygen releases gases, causing bad breath. If plaque is not removed efficiently dental cavities can form causing an added odour of decaying teeth.
Eating strong flavoured foods such as onions & garlic, these can linger on your breath & even with effective brushing it cannot be removed immediately.
Alcohol can also cause bad breath, even alcohol with no smell can remain of breath for hours.
Crash dieters, those with eating disorders, can develop bad breath, as the chemical reaction caused by not eating can make the breath smell ‘acidy’
Smoking, can cause oral cavity & airways to be dehydrated, also smokers have a tobacco odour in their breath.
Sinus problems from colds or allergies increase secretions from the nose to the throat, these bacteria stay in the back of mouth causing bad breath.
Gum disease, ineffective brushing can lead to plaque being left behind, this produces toxins (poisons) which can produce bad breath.
So now you know about bad breath, how can you treat it?
Ensure good oral hygiene is maintained, this is done by brushing twice a day & using something in between the teeth, this will remove plaque & food debris.
Keep well hydrated, this can help avoid bad breath & can help remove debris in the mouth.
Stop smoking & avoid excessive drinking of alcohol.
Change your toothbrush at least every 3months or before if bristles have become splayed.
Mouthwashes can help as a temporary measure, good for parties!
Brushing twice a day using a technique advised to you from your hygienist with a small headed toothbrush (so gets to awkward areas, brush teeth & along gumline).
Using interdental aids once a day, best time is at night & try drinking lots of fluids.
Brush your tongue gently to remove build up of bacteria & dead cells.
If you wear a denture, remove denture at night & clean with a suitable cleaning agent.
But also just to make you aware please do not judge people if they do have bad breath, sometimes it can be more serious, as the symptoms can be underlying medical problems such as: Lung conditions, kidney failure, liver or gastric problems, all of which can cause bad breath.

By Rachel Wotton RDN

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