Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Kicking the habit? Your mouth will thank you. News Years Resolution suggestions from Absolute Dental.

Jock MacKenzie  49, has been smoking cigarettes since he was in college. “It seemed harmless enough at the time,” he says. “I’d go out with some of my mates on the weekends, and we’d have a few beers and smoke a few cigarettes. Or, I’d be up late studying for an exam, and a couple of cigarettes would keep me alert enough to get through the material.”
But the years after college changed an occasional occurrence into a daily habit. “I never thought it would become a habit,” said Jock but here I am, more than 25 years later, smoking half a pack a day, and I just can’t seem to quit.”
Warning signs of gum disease:

At Jock's most recent dentist visit, his dentist noticed that his gums seemed redder and more inflamed than during his last visit and were starting to recede from his teeth.
“I was shocked when my dentist told me that I had gingivitis, or the early stage of gum disease. He said that because smoking may suppress the immune system and leave gums prone to infection, my smoking was most likely the cause of the problem. He also said that smokers were more than 50 percent more likely to develop gum disease than non-smokers. Can you believe that?”

Jock's dentist told him that in addition to red, tender, swollen gums, the receding gums and the occasional bleeding while brushing and flossing were also signs of the beginnings of gum disease.
Smoking affects your oral health, too.

While Jock , like many people, was aware of the negative impact that smoking cigarettes could have on his overall health, he says he only became aware of the effects that cigarette smoking could have on his oral health after his visit to the dentist.
In addition to an increased risk for gum disease, smoking can increase your risk for many other oral health problems, including:

  • Mouth pain and cavities
  • Tooth loss (twice that of non-smokers)
  • Infected tooth root (twice that of non-smokers)
  • Reduced ability to fight infection, including in the mouth and gums
  • Slower healing of gum tissue after oral surgery or from injury
  • Reduced effectiveness of gum disease treatments
Kicking the habit

The good news is that the risk of gum disease, tooth loss and many other oral health problems decreases after you quit smoking. After learning that he was developing gum disease, Jock told his dentist he wanted to quit smoking. He was prescribed a transdermal nicotine patch (worn for 24 hours over several weeks with a dissipating flow of nicotine) to help him kick the habit.
There are a variety of nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) available to help people quit smoking, including nicotine gums, lozenges, sprays and inhalers. People who wish to quit smoking may also be helped by counselling and support programs from your doctor and dentist.

You can do it!

Giving up smoking isn’t easy, but many people have succeeded in quitting. Soon after you stop smoking, you may notice that food tastes better, your sense of smell is more acute and you can more easily be active without getting winded. And you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re keeping your mouth — and your entire body — healthy.

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