Acupuncture is a technique, originating in China more than 3,000 years ago, in which disease is treated by inserting needles at various points on the body - acupuncture points. A common use of acupuncture is in pain management. There have also been suggestions that acupuncture may reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Anxiety related to dental treatment is rife and acupuncture can offer an alternative to commonly used sedative drugs Temperomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction is commonly seen in dental practice. There is no standard treatment, but tranquillisers, physiotherapy, occlusal splint and counselling are treatments commonly tried. Here too acupuncture can be of clinical benefit. Dentists have also found that the gagging response can be effectively controlled by using ear acupuncture. Some patients are so sensitive to dental equipment that they will gag uncontrollably as soon as an instrument touches their mouth which may make it impossible for dentists to carry out any kind of treatment at all. Following ear acupuncture patients have been able to receive a range of treatments including fillings and tooth extractions and are able to leave the practice and travel home unaccompanied. At Absolute Dental we can work with colleagues trained in Acupuncture to provide the best solution to help our patients.
Written by Ruth Page
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