Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Back to school!
Modbury Primary School, as part of their key stage 2 curriculum invited Absolute Dental to deliver a presentation to the children on ‘How to keep a healthy smile’.
The children aged between 7 and 11 years were set a task for the half term holiday to design a poster in this theme. The response from the children was fabulous, a great deal of time and effort had been made by all who took part, all kinds of media were used, from collage through to computer art. It was certainly a difficult task to choose winners. The winners in the 2 - year group categories were presented on the day with prizes of an electric toothbrushes and a goody bag.
It was great to see the children showing a great deal of interest and enthusiasm, with lots of questions being raised by the children and teachers, and, even though the presentation ran into the children’s ‘play time’ the were still keen to stay behind and ask more questions.
‘Why do my gums bleed?’ ‘Do we need to use a mouthwash?’ ‘Is it ok to use a mouthwash instead of brushing?’ ‘Why are flavoured crisps not a healthy snack when plain crisps are?’
The presentation was concluded with an (egg)speriment which demonstrated the positive benefit fluoride has with helping to strengthen the enamel surface of the tooth.
Positive feedback from the teachers said that the presentation reinforced the messages they were trying to promote, and was delivered in a very interesting way.
A beautiful hand-made thank you card was sent to the practice - another wonderful piece of artwork.

Denise Bingham RDN/OHE

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